
The abstract accepted for ICPIC are now available in the supplement of ARIC journal via this link


Abstract Submission is now closed

➤ Notification of acceptance have now been sent out.
➤ If you have submitted an abstract, you can check the status of your abstract through your submitter’s account. Click here to access the abstract submission portal.
➤ Presenters of an accepted abstract must register before Thursday 27 April, 23:59 CET in order to confirm acceptance of their presentation.


➤ Download recommendations for effective poster presentation here.
➤ Download instructions to prepare your oral presentation here.
➤ Abstracts accepted for the Innovation Academy must be presented both as poster and orally.


➤ Accepted abstracts presented at ICPIC will be published online in Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control (www.aricjournal.com), the official ICPIC journal with an impact factor of 2,716.
➤ Accepted abstracts will also be available on the ICPIC website, about one month prior to the conference.


➤ Please contact icpic.abs@mci-group.com should you have any enquiries.

LDI Call4Posters® Printing service

➤ The 4th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC 2017) has selected Call4Posters®, as their preferred poster printing partner.
With Call4Posters®, you can have your poster professionally printed, reviewed and shipped directly to the International Conference Centre Geneva.
Enjoy the convenience of onsite pick-up without the hassle of travelling with your poster.
To start uploading your poster for printing, please go to www.call4posters.com/icpic